With our community’s support, we were able to give our teachers and staff a much needed raise. Previously, our salaries were not competitive to surrounding districts and this was hurting our hiring ability and retention rates. Now we are competitive salaries and are attracting highly qualified staff and our retention rates are significantly improved.
Our Child Nutrition Department works hard to purchase high quality, nutritious food from local farms for our students and even received the Farm Fresh Challenge Certificate from the State Department of Agriculture Commissioner, Sid Miller. This certificate demonstrates our district’s commitment to building a Farm Fresh generation for the Lone Star State, strengthened local agricultural economies and their ties to local schools. - Granbury ISD participates in the free and reduced lunch program, making food accessible to all the children we serve. - Our district also participates in the Healthy Summer Meals for Kids. This program provides free meals for all kids 18 and younger or enrolled students up to 21 with disabilities. Our commitment to ensuring all children have access to high quality, food throughout the year is unmatched and a community service we are proud to provide.
Granbury ISD has always been ahead of the curve. Many of the safety mandates from the 88th Legislature were already in place in Granbury, which allowed us to focus on enhancing systems we already had in place, making for a more integrated effort between the district and local law enforcement agencies.
This was a community wide effort in which myself and a few other trustees were involved. We were intentional in including a diverse group of people which included administration, campus leadership, teachers, staff, parents, students and community members. We developed the mission and vision statements for the district, goals surrounding culture, human capital, academics and facilities as well as many community driven initiatives.
Another community driven initiative developed during strategic planning and through the leadership of our district, we were able to partner with Communities In Schools®. This essential program helps ensure all students and their families have access to resources they need. Whether it’s financial aid, free or reduced lunches, school supplies, transportation or healthcare, Communities In Schools® is a vital resource for our district’s families and our district is proud to partner with them. Through this partnership we have seen a significant increase in academic performance and decrease in behavior related issues.
With the leadership of our Superintendent and Director of Security and our strong relationship with State Representative Slawson and Senator BIRDWELL, we were able to get an AG opinion that helped clarify the law surrounding open carry for school marshals. The change in district policy now allows our marshals to open carry their firearm in a specialized holster, which acts as natural a deterrent against threats and makes their firearm more easily accessible if and when they should ever need it.
This was one of several community driven initiatives developed during strategic planning. Using input from the community, we developed the town hall style open forum where the community at large could address the board in an open forum. Much of the feedback we received showed a need for this type of setting due to the board not being able to answer questions in open forum at regular board meetings due to legal restrictions and parents/community members who could not make the meetings in time to sign up to speak. Now the board can address questions directly and parents/community members who wish to speak can sign up online in advance so arriving late to the meeting doesn’t eliminate them from being able to speak.
During my tenure as a Trustee, our district has repeatedly received the highest rating in financial management and a perfect score of 100 from TEA. The state's school financial accountability rating system, known as the School Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST), ensures that Texas public schools are held accountable for the quality of their financial management practices and that they improve these practices. The system is designed to encourage Texas public schools to better manage their financial resources to provide the maximum allocation possible for direct instructional purposes. Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) | Texas Education Agency You sent Add in at the bottom, this means Granbury ISD ensures that the maximum allocation of tax payer dollars directly benefit the students. View TEA FIRST ratings here: https://tea.texas.gov/finance-and-grants/financial-compliance/financial-integrity-rating-system-of-texas-first